Eat the Rainbow: Graduation! – Cancer Dietitian

CongratulationsYOU DIT IT!

You officially made it through all 12 weeks of the Eat the Rainbow Fruit and Veggie Challenge

Take a moment to think about where you were 12 weeks ago. How have you progressed? Have you tried out a new recipe? Do you include more fruits and veggies in your meals? Maybe you learned a new nutrition fact! 

Whatever you got out of this challenge, thank yourself for taking 12 weeks to devote to yourself and your health.

Be sure to enter your final week of FRUIT & VEGGIE INTAKE HERE!

If you haven’t already completed the final growth level quiz, that’s the last thing to do before you are an official challenge graduate!  

Once you take the final quiz, we will email you you a graduation certificate and instructions on how to get your FREE RECIPE EBOOK! It contains all 12 recipes from the challenge! No one else will have access to this ebook except for Eat the Rainbow graduates! 

Graduation Class Recording

We had a lovely time with Michele Reider, from Hirsch Wellness as she guided us through a produce themed zentangle art/meditation activity.

Thank you so much for joining us over the past 12 weeks! Keep your eyes peeled for future challenges and programs on the Cancer Dietitian website. 

Until then, keep eating the rainbow!

-Julie & The Interns

PS – Are you willing to help make sure that I can continue offering these programs free of charge? Support the Cancer Dietitian programs (funded by the non-profit organization, Cancer Services, Inc. ) by clicking here, or text rainbow2021 to 44321. A donation in any amount is much appreciated!

Eat the Rainbow Week 12: Produce Myth #4