Importance of eating real food


Eating Real Food

real food diet

While in the middle of our busy schedules, we struggle to keep up to everything from people to jobs, we are forgetting the importance of proper food and diet in our lives. Food is what keeps us healthy all day long and provides the right amount of nutrition, vitamins, minerals, iron and what not?

The thing is, in our busy lives the ready-to-make food has taken over all the real food items that we need in our lives. Real foods are basically the food items which are unaltered in any way and are close to its natural value. Real food helps us with the right amount of balanced diet that we need.

Here is a guide to all the reasons why one should focus on having a real food diet.

Benefits of real food

Real food provides all the natural nutrition

Real food is full of natural values. When you are in a supermarket trying to find the right food item with the maximum amount of natural ingredients, why not rely only on real foods instead? They are free from any alterations and are healthy to its peak.

Real food is healthy for the heart

Real foods are free from oxidants that support the health of your heart. As well as provide the proper nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that your heart needs. They also reduce the inflammation which is the major cause of heart attacks. It also reduces: arthritis

  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • osteoporosis
  • cancer

Real food has low sugar

While processed foods have a high amount of added sugar in them which causes problems like obesity, diabetes, anxiety, and depression, natural foods do not have a high amount of sugars added in them. However, they are rich in carbohydrates like fruits which have a high amount of carbs in it, get absorbs in the system due to the fiber and other food items. Which means the sugar in them is not harmful.

The natural amount of sugar in them helps maintain the overall system of your blood circulation.

Real food has low fat

The amount of carbohydrates and fats in processed or junk food is the core reason for deadly diseases. Obesity is one of the biggest problems in today’s world, fat is the major reason for it.

While processed food has added fats in it, real foods have natural fats which instead helps in weight loss like nuts. Real food habits can also be termed as a habit of eating cleanThis includes the intake of non-toxic items that ensure a healthy life, body, and skin.

Real food helps in weight loss

The habit of eating real food also helps in weight lossEating the right type of food which involves vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, 

and antioxidants helps in the process of weight loss. Problems like obesity can be reversed by committing to a life of healthy whole natural foods.

Real food makes your skin happier and healthier

When you increase the intake of healthy food items, the first visible impact is always on your face. Your skin starts becoming more clear and healthier. Processes foods can directly or indirectly cause acne problems and clogged pores which lead to many skins rated problems. Clean eating habit boosts your skin and provides nutrients which are also healthier for your scalp and hair growth.

The real food diet plan you can follow

The diet you can follow while you rely only on real food is simple and complicated at the same time. The proper diet plan helps you in many ways like leading a healthy life, losing weight, makes your skin healthy and full of glow and also helps in staying away from diseases.

 The diet plan is divided according to the time of the day and is explained below:

Breakfast: With your daily morning coffee you can consider adding:

Bread, Rusk, Scrambled eggs, Yogurt and nuts, Tomatoes


Lathero Dish (seasonal vegetables or beans cooked with olive oil, herbs, and tomato sauce accompanied by bread and cheese).

You can also consider adding:

Chicken ( 2 or 3 times a week), Beans, Fish, Salad


Avoid heavy food in dinner like meat, fish, etc.

You can consider having:

Small parts of daily lunch, Salad, and nuts, Roasted vegetables, Omelet

In between snacks can have salads, tomatoes, nuts, etc. Drinking water is one of the most important things.

Try having your breakfast as early as possible and add the most amounts of food items in it. The lunch should be light but full of energy. Now, the dinner should be the lightest and felt light on the stomach too so you can have a peaceful sleep.

For a healthy living, one must stick completely to a real food diet for the visible changes in your body like weight losshealthy skin, hair growthetc. Eating real food that is non-toxic, low fat, low sugar and lots of nutrients helps you lead a stress-free life. Once completely turned a real-food addict, you would never want to get back to what you used to eat.

Stay Healthy and for more updates keep in touch with Fitnesshealthforever.

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